Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My new website is up and running.

How do you like it?

I have decided to change the music on my website. Go against my original feelings where I just wanted music without words. Have you ever heard of Frances England. My daughter has had her album and loves it. Well I bought this new template for my site and her music was playing so I think I'm going to keep it. Her music fits perfectly with the feeling I want for my site and business. Still trying to decide. Thoughts are appreciated on this topic. Check out her site:


The whole album is awesome and she's from SF, back home in CA.

As for my photography I'm booked almost through June! I'm so excited this has taken off. I love my photography. My goal is to wrap up portfolio building by fall 2007. My new website is up and I am in the process of developing my marketing materials. I will post pics as I finish them up.

Being from CA I'm used to much milder weather. Weather that allows shooting outdoors nearly all year-long. Here in VA I've had to go indoors for 4-5 months almost. Which makes me think my next step will need to be to invest in studio equipment and possibly even a studio. Even if I decide to go in this direction my main focus will still be natural light/on location because I love it so much.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I just checked out your website and it looks great!